Intro to Stuff
Concise introductions, examples, exercises, mind maps, lists, and links to further resources.
🚧 This project is under active construction, with a lot more arriving during Spring 2024 🚧
Welcome, everyone!
This site attempts to be concise, and where relevant it uses various concepts and terms in their technical senses without tangents-in-the-same-sentence (e.g. in parentheses after the term) to explain them.
If you do not completely understand the syntax and semantics of any part of a sentence, e.g. because of terms or concepts you're not yet familiar with [*], you will be able to click that sentence and see a word-sense-disambiguated parse tree with information about every word in the sentence, along with links to relevant pages for exploring the concepts that those words are representing.
[*] : If so, welcome to today's lucky 10,000!